Saturday, February 9, 2008

Laws. Teen relationships

Society has a lot of rules and laws; too many in fact. The rules change while you’re playing and nobody tells you them before the game anyway. It can be a mess.

You’re taught one set of rules by whoever you grow up with and obviously there are sets of rules used by other people that don’t match yours. You will believe the first set of rules whether they’re right or wrong because that’s what you were taught.

There can’t be impartiality in a one sided teaching. You have to realize this and weigh the evidence. But you can’t compare it to what you’ve been taught. It must be weighed against reality. Anything that is only opinion must be seen to be just that.

Just changing neighborhood can change the rules. Go to a different country and they change again. What’s good here can be bad there and vice versa.

There are different ways to dress, words to say or not say, manners to abide by, rituals to go through, and while a lot of it is made to ensure society runs smoothly, a lot of it is man made rubbish to protect the people who can’t handle change. Either that or they have a position of power and don’t want to lose it.

Some rules are necessary so we don’t have chaos. Imagine having no road rules. Everybody just drove where they wanted like shoppers walking in a busy mall. Yipes! We’d all end up with battered ball shaped cars.

Thou shall not kill is a rule but sometimes it happens without intent so we have rules about that too. When soldiers go to war we forget about the rule and encourage them to kill. What is right? When someone does kill and we sentence them to death aren’t we committing the same crime?

There are rules to protect the frail or innocent people in society. But often the police can’t do anything until a crime against these people is committed. By then it can be too late so what can we do?

Thou shall not steal is an obviously good rule but the punishment is wrong. If Fred steals Sue’s car and smashes it, he is put in jail. What happens to Sue? She hasn’t got a car. Putting Fred in jail is no use to her. Fred should be made to pay for a new car and all expenses on the way to getting it.

If someone burnt down a shop they should pay back the insurance company or shop owner for restoration.

Our prisons are overloaded with minor criminals and the most “freedom” loving country on the planet puts more of its citizens in jail than any other country. Something is wrong there.

There are a lot of corrections to be made in our legal system. The need for so many laws has to be reexamined.

By far the majority of people are law abiding and will take care of each other. We don’t need so many laws.

If you are thinking of a career in the legal profession or just want to make some changes, get active, because there is a lot to do.

Maybe you could bring up this topic in school to get some opinions or send a comment to the world via this site.

Laws really come down to “Do unto others as you would be done by”. In other words, treat people like you would like to be treated.

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You can understand nuclear physics, calculus and quantum mechanics if you put your mind to it but understanding people is a whole new ball game. This really shows in romantic relationships.

To understand guys and girls we have to know that girls want romance and guys want sex. That’s only a general rule and it isn’t always true. But it is a good starting point.

Everybody wants recognition. Girls want to know how good they look, how well dressed they are. And guys, how manly or good they look. It's all a part of establishing self identity. Learn to compliment people. It will get you a long way in life. Take a real interest in people. We all want someone to talk to so ask questions. Get them talking.

Guys. Don’t get involved in being a girls’ best friend if you have sex on your mind. All you’ll get is hugs while she tells you about her latest boyfriend. Never treat a girl as a “lay”. You share sex. It is not a one way act. You do it ‘with’, not ‘to’. Understand the difference.

Girls. If you want to jump into bed with him do it reasonably early, after you know you can trust him, without being labeled as “easy” and then bind the friendship. Do not get pregnant. As much as you think you love him or the idea of motherhood; it can all come crashing down because of pregnancy.

Cultivate friendships with the opposite sex. It is the only way to learn about them.

Now this is important. If your partner doesn’t make you feel right or treats you like an object or slave, get out of the relationship! Do it as soon as possible! It doesn’t matter about the cost. It is better than spending your life in misery.

There are 6,000,000,000 people on this planet and millions of them are perfect for you. Socialize until you find one.

Don’t cheat or lie to your partner. Remember “Treat people like you would like to be treated”.

If it does happen (none of us are perfect); you have the nasty choice of telling them or making sure it doesn’t get known. If you do cheat, do it somewhere else, not in your own nest.

We’ll get back to this topic in later issues.
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Last issue I told you about Camtasia for free. Here it is. I have no control over when this is available so get it now. Enjoy.

Then go here… 
Wait to get the “key”, then go to
That’s it. You can also download a tutorial from here.
Are you being taught privately? If so drop me a line at I’d like to know more.
 Funny as a feather,
Jay Ross.

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